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COVID-19 Preparedness for Echo Labs: Insights from the Frontlines
COVID-19 Preparedness Session 1: Overview, Diagnosis, PPE and Lessons Learned from Spain
Lessons learnt from COVID: Guiding pandemic preparedness and response
COVID-19 Lessons from the Front Line: Acute Respiratory Clinic
COVID-19 Cath Lab Implications: Frontline View from Italy
Cardiology in the Time of COVID-19: Troponin Assessment, Telemetry & Echo Lab
PROTECT THE PROFESSIONAL: Whats Different about Echo in the COVID-19 era?
Echo in the COVID 19 era: Planning for the new normal | Wednesday 13 May 2020
ASE Recommendations for Echo Labs Participating in Cardiac POCUS and Critical Care Echo Training
IHME | Coronavirus | Epidemic Preparedness (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness
Echo protocol in patient COVID-19 and limited studies